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HIFU – High Intensity Focus Ultrasound

a more confident you

HIFU – High Intensity Focus Ultrasound

High Intensity Focus Ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-surgical treatment that utilizes ultrasound technology to effectively lift, firm, and tighten the skin. By depositing focused ultrasound energy beneath the skin’s surface, HIFU enables all layers of the skin to contract in a single treatment session. This versatile treatment can be applied to both the face and body, effectively reducing fat cells.

The available High Intensity Focus Ultrasound treatments include HIFU face, neck, and chest, HIFU full face, HIFU half face, and HIFU body. Following a HIFU treatment, clients can expect to see immediate results, with improvements in facial contours, skin tone and texture, and reduction in wrinkles becoming evident within 8 weeks post-treatment. The effects of HIFU treatment continue to work for up to 6 months as the collagen fibers reorganize and restructure themselves. Over the course of 3 to 6 months, clients will notice further improvements, such as skin firming and tightening. The longevity of the results from a single treatment can range from 12 to 36 months, depending on the client’s current skin laxity and age.

In conclusion, HIFU is a highly effective non-surgical treatment that utilises ultrasound technology to lift, firm, and tighten the skin. With its ability to target all layers of the skin in a single treatment session, HIFU offers immediate and long-lasting results. Clients can expect improvements in facial contours, skin tone and texture, and reduction in wrinkles within 8 weeks post-treatment, with further enhancements occurring over the following months. The longevity of the results varies depending on the client’s individual skin laxity and age.